balanced is inherently flawed

A recent post asking for opinions on balanced vs. single ended got me thinking once again about the inherent flaws in a balanced scheme.

A balanced signal has 2 parts called plus (+) and minus (-) that are equal in voltage but opposite in polarity. Therefore a balanced amp is really 2 single ended amps in one package, one for the + singal and the other for the - signal. So a balanced amp using the same quality parts as a single ended amp will be twice as expensive. Strike one.

That brings us to the "equal but opposite" notion. In order for this to work as planned, all of the + stages and cables connecting them must be exactly equal to all of the - stages all the way through the source, preamp, and power amp. Any deviation from the + stage being the exact mirror image of the - stage will result in an imbalance. Since perfect symmetry cannot be achieved, especially with tubes, distortions are introduced. Strike two.

Some think that balanced has to be better for various reasons that include:

1. If they hook up a balanced device using single ended cables they loose some gain.
2. They think a balanced system can achieve a lower noise floor.
3. They have balanced equipment and it sounds better when they hook it up with balanced cables vs. single ended cables.
4. It's used in recording studios by the pros so it must be better.

These arguments are flawed for the following reasons:

1. More gain does not equal better sound. Of course you need enough gain to drive your speakers to satisfactory levels, but the fact that one connection has higher gain than another has really nothing to do with sound quality.

2. This is the most misunderstood of all. A balanced amp CAN reject noise that is coming in through the interconnects. However, it can do nothing to reject or cancel the random electrical noise that comes from within the devices inside the amp. A balanced amp has no advantage over a single ended one when it comes to the major contributor of noise in the system, that which is generated inside the amp. The rejection of noise from cables relies on the fact that it is generally equal to both the + and - inputs and is therefore cancelled, but since the noise voltages generated by the devices inside the + and - stages in the amp are random and unrelated, they do not cancel and are passed on to the next stage.

Furthermore, since well designed, shielded interconnects of any type are very good at rejecting electrical noise from the outside, balanced has no advantage except in very noisy enviroments or when using very long runs, both of which apply to recording studios, not to typical home systems.

3. Since a truly balanced amp was built from the ground up to operate in a balanced mode, it makes sense that it will sound worse when fed a single ended signal. That doesn't mean that balanced is better, just that that particular amp sounds better when fed a balanced signal.

If you subscribe to the theory that more money can get you better performance, and since a single ended amp has 1/2 as many components as an equivalent balanced amp, it stands to reason that if the designer put as much money and effort into designing a single ended amp, it would sound better.

4. See 2 above.

And this brings us to our last point. ALL sound sources are single ended. Whether from a plucked string, blowing air through a horn, the human voice, or anything else; the resulting increses and decreases in air pressure that we perceive as sound are single ended. There is no "equal but opposite" waves of pressure. This is also true when the signal finally gets to a loudspeaker. There are no "equal but opposite" pressure waves coming from the speaker. It is a single ended device.

In a balanced system these pressure variations are picked up by a microphone and then some where along the line converted to balanced. A phonograph record is encoded single ended as is a digital disc. Your CD player may have a balanced output but the data that is read from the disc is single ended and then converted. In order not to introduce ditortions, this conversion from single ended to balanced has to be done perfectly. And since it can't be, strike three.
Thanks for all of the considered responses. The points about ground loops, rejecting internal EMI, cost of common components such as cases, systems in a noisy enviroment, the ability to closely match stages if willing to spend the money, everything is imperfect anyway, and several others are all well taken. If you are having hum problems from ground loops and going balanced gets rid of it then it is hard to make a case against it.

I read the links from Buscis and they make good arguments but since they come from manufacturers of balanced equipment I would expect no less. BTW, the first link tried to load some stuff on my computer and locked it up, but I appreciate you taking the time to create the links.

I did not mean to imply that balanced systems can't sound good. I've heard some that are among the finest. They were also among the most expensive.

I guess my main hypothesis is that since sound is inherently a single ended phenomenom, it's reproduction should be also. Of course, I am in the "simpler is better" camp also.

Although there are some strong arguments for going balanced, I'm sticking with the basic idea that taking a single ended source, inverting it and then trying to take both the original and the inverted and treating them exactly the same through a long chain of cables and amplification is going to cause more problems than it solves.

As for noise and hum, I have a single ended system hooked up to 103 dB speakers and the only noise is a very faint hiss that you have to put your ear to the tweeter to hear. It uses Naim electronics and they are not balanced as someone suggested above even though they do use din connectors. Everything plugs into the same outlet strip so I'm sure this is one reason the noise/hum is so low.

BTW, I'm listening to $19,000 Avantgarde Duos connected with a few hundred dollars of Naim speaker cable to a $1,350 Naim integrated so I may not be exactly mainstream with my audiophile preferences, but it is the best sound I've ever had in my room. If you haven't heard the latest generation of Naim stuff you should check it out.
Ed, that is SO COOL that you have that info on Bob Heil. I got my start in St. Louis running sound & made the trek over to Marissa many times, both for equipment repair & to get in on some seminars on running sound. The main thing I learned almost 30 years ago was that AC could give you more problems than you can imagine. Seems to hold true still.
El: I'm not nearly as opposed to IC based circuitry as one might think. One of my favourite preamps is IC based. So long as good quality parts are used and the engineer / designer knows what they are doing, an IC based component can sound quite good. Problem here is that many products are based on the "sample circuit" that the manufacturer of the IC provided. Most of those circuits are designed to demonstrate the basic functionality of the IC, not exploit it to its' fullest potential.

Driver: Thanks for reminding me who i was talking to about what : ) I'm not even 40 years old yet and my memory is going. What's the next thing to fail??? : ) Sean
What's the next thing to fail??? : ) Sean

You don't want to know brother. hehe


Herman. I really apologize for your computer mishap. I should of stated that the first link is an Adobe PDF file. My bad. I have provided the actual web link below in hopes that you may read the white paper contained within. It is some fascinating and extremely insightful reading.

I agree that we all tend to experience a "slant " or "bias" when absorbing information being provided by manufacturers. I try to negate the sales portion of the information and concentrate on the rational scientific or factually supported portion of the information.

Remember. Remove the sales portion, and in most cases the information is still being provided by brilliant and very well acomplished designers and engineers. Let's mentally remove the corporate logo's, and give them the credit and respect that they deserve.

Driver. My background and formal education was mechanical engineering. Throughout the time I was attending school, I was an avid listener and musician. So, I had exposure to the prosound industry. Two of the most brilliant designer engineers I ever aspired to due to that exposure were Robert Heil and James B. Lansing.

These gentleman could be considered modern day pioneers of audio research and design. I hold tremendous respect for both of these individuals. If one was to read Robert Heil's white papers on sound reproduction, my feelings would be reinforced.

And now the absolute bottom line (for me at least). When I put together my last system I had initally hooked everything up with LAT IC-200 interconnects utilizing RCAs, as I had no balanced interconnects. I ordered new ICs (same exact cabling) in balanced configuration.

Upon switching all IC cabling to the balanced wires, (transport to dac, dac to amp, all TRUE balanced) the difference in quieting factor was astonishing. And my system was already extremely quiet from the start.

It's very simple.
More quiet.
Lower noise floor.
No impedance level mismatch. (TRUE balanced)

Wider dynamic range.
Higher level of detail (less noise).
Happy components. (VERY scientific)

These are MY results with MY system. Respectfully, Ed.