
I am a music lover who has appreciated good quality two-channel audio for over 30 years. While not a technical expert, I have some familiarity with the concepts and equipment involved. I listen to a broad range of classical music (90%) and various other stuff like jazz (10%).

I recently revised my system by replacing vintage SAE amplicication with new ARC gear, as detailed below. This has provided wonderful results overall, with clear detailed and musical sound on a broad range of the music I listen to. I am generally very pleased with these results.

However, one thing that is a bit of an annoyance is that on vocals (mostly female) I now hear a definite and pronounced sibilance that seems to be over-emphasized. This does not appear to be related to any overall edginess or harshness in the system, as other music sounds quite natural and smooth, including higher frequency stuff like violins and piccolos.

In reviewing some previous threads on this subject, I did not get a very clear picture of this issue: in particular, it seemed that a number of observers were suggesting that this type of sibilance is caused by problems in the recording process and might even be expected as natural with improved playback system quality.

This explanation seems strange to me, as I am experiencing this phenomenon with a considerable variety of source material, including many recordings where there would not be close-miking of singers.

I would very much appreciate any advice or observations that might help me better understand this problem of sibilance, and possible approaches for improving the situation.


ARC CD-1 player
ARC LS 25 Mk. II preamp
ARC 150.2 amp
KEF 105.2 speakers
Cardas cross ICs (xlr)
heavy-gauge stranded copper speaker cables
Powerpack II conditioner
Room: 14'w/20'l/10'h wood panneled with carpeting

There's been a few threads on this subject. Some have claimed to completely eliminate any negative trace of sibilance simply by purchasing a more appropriate source(cdp).

For several reasons I find that difficult to believe. My experience with negative sibilance completely vanished upon my inserting the Foundation Research LC-1 and LC-2 passive in-line conditioners on each component. (These conditioners also do much more than just eliminate the negative sibilance.)

Others may find that hard to believe.

But I am convinced that, assuming the equipment is of adequate quality, negative sibilance has everything to do with the poor quality AC coming into everybody's home.

Also, keep in mind that there is nothing that you can do about negative sibilance in the recording or microphone itself.

In addition, you do not specify which kind of cabling you are using. There are plenty of cables and ic's that produce a grain or hash that cetainly can emphasize any negative sibilance you may already be experiencing.

Odd post,not the sibilance part...but the problem you are talking about does not fit your new system. I have owned SAE gear in the 70's (very SS sounding) and hard to beleave is not worlds below your new gear?

My guess is that these are old recordings we are talking about? Play with speaker placement a bit and add some room treatments. Also play with speaker toe-in and out.

Check your 'heavy-gauge stranded copper speaker cables'. Try something not so heavy and not so stranded. A couple runs per side of 20ish gauge insulated solid core hookup wire will knock your socks off. A practically free experiment. Or buy something a notch more expensive than what you've got, and stay away from stranded.

I wouldn't normally guess Cardas ICs would be a problem, but you might have a bad match with the ARC gear. Put some art on your walls to break up the reflections. Play around with it, but stop suspecting the hardware. It's fine.
Having recently purhased a used tube preamp I've been swapping out tubes to find the right combination for my tastes. One particular tube set caused this phenomenon in my left channel. I don't know if the tube was weak or just flawed but it was real.