Tube power amp - keep on continually?

I am wondering if there are advantages to leaving tube equipment, such as amps and preamps on continually. I currently own a pair of Rogue M-120, and will turning on and off the m-120 shorten the life of the tubes? If so, to what extent?

Best Regard
Alan Leung
I agree. Do NOT leave tube power amps fired up unattended. Proper use calls for a warm-up time ( 5 - 15 minutes depending on design ) prior to use and then a "heat-down" time prior to shut-off. Cranking signal from the tubes before they are fully warmed and / or turning them off before they've had a chance to cool off causes extra thermal stress on them, which leads to premature failure. Sean
Sean can you explain cool down time before shutting the amplifier off? Like how long to wait? Never heard about this before? Would this apply to a class A triode tube amplifier also?
Cool down time, may be that is why everything I turn off the amp, there is a "DIN DIN DIN" sound from the Rogue M-120, I believe is from the output tubes. Thanks Sean
Yep topvideo, that's probably the sound of the glass contracting as it cools. Similar to an aluminum engine block after your shut off your car. tink, tink, tink. except there its the metal.

My tubes to the same thing.