Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?

Just wondering, with this audio merry-go-round of buying and selling, if anyone has an amp that will be a keeper for life. I haven't yet but came verrrry close once...
I have a pair of BAT VK-120s (VK-60 monoblocks). They are very good stock. Modified, phenomenal. They are absolutely never leaving.
I've just acquired a pair of VAC Signature 450 monoblocks that I can't see ever leaving. I inserted 5 Black Treasure CV-181's into the front of each and even more magic happened. Don't really have anywhere to go from here. Finally... :-)
Just hooked up last amp I will buy - VAC 450S. Unbelievable. Amazing harmonics, timbre, speed, impact. Spatial and organic fullness make speakers disappear. Worth every penny.
mark levinson ml 23.5 is for keeps It plays music as it
is ment to be enjoyed.
I have had a lots of amps.