Least Controversial, Reasonably Priced AC Upgrades

Hello Everyone

At last, the light is appearing at the end of my house renovation tunnel, and -- fingers crossed -- I may actually be listening to music in my new living room before 2005.

Having spent every last penny on marriage, family, Subzero refrigerators etc, I am trying for the first time to upgrade the wiring a bit and protect the equipment against surges.

Despite my enthusiasm for this site and a pretty decent system, I remain firmly in the dark ages on power conditioners, high end power cords, outlets, surge protectors etc.

The place where we are we are moving in the country apparently has frequent power outages, especially in winter when falling branches down the lines.

I have read many heated debates about power conditioners etc with some of you saying that they actually WORSEN the sound, that I would like to start with a simple:

dedicated line?
Albert Porters wall outlets?
a chunky power strip inside my new 6' component rack on casters?
a surge protector (Monster Cable?) to protect all of the above in my newly flaky electical district?

Again, simple, effective, not wildly expensive please.

The idea is to have a moveable rack of equipment on casters that I can wheel from the corner of the room to my listening chair for easy access, which will be tethered to the wall by one power cord only and with long interconnects to the amp which will be located by the speakers.

The rest of the spaghetti mess will stay neatly inside the rack, concealed by a ventilated door.

Thank you in advance for all ideas and suggestions.
My next setup, when I get a decent apartment( God willing )is going to be as follows:

After an electronics grade surge protector, one 30 amp dedicated line star wired feeding two 220V/110V stepdown transformers/filters: The 3KW ONEAC for the power amps and the 2.4 KW Xentek for feeding two Clear Image T4 quad isolation transformer/filter arrays (one for digital line level, another for analog line level). Auricaps parallel filtration at the box feeding the two T4's and inside each ONEAC outlet (2). A DeZorel ground filtration module after the Xentek (the ONEAC has a "virtual ground" which isolates the transformer's ground from the building's). I can leave the power amps on because the ONEAC offers damn good protection (ONEAC 'claims' my CB2338 can absorb the blow of a lightning strike--I don't want to find out).

All the outlets will be cryo treated. All transformers will be drained into proper vibration sink sandwiches.

Sounds simple and killer. It's not what I really want, but the total cost of the transformers /filters was under $700, including shipping. Try doing that for cheaper...

I'd be willing to do it for 2K !!
The best part is, your idea will sound better than a 10K upgrade !!
If that's the case you might be able to shop new instead of on Ebay etc.
You're probably right on that account.
BTW: The DeZorel website is still down-under construction.
Rxwacko, I would rather wait for a used 5K Xentek and use the remaining money to get a two brick DeZorel with ground filtering brick for your transport and DAC. Lak says it's every bit as good as the Special Edition T4. I trust his hearing and setup. You already have the picture of the Cardas Power Box. That setup will be real simple and effective. You'll be set for life.