That nice, unforced, relaxed, easeful sound ??

I'm working on getting more of this !!
Are you getting it, or are you still trying ?
I'm there. You know when you are happy to listen to your favorite rock lp's at low volume. You get every every bit of the magic without cranking it. This flies in the face of 30 years of learned behavior. I attribute this mostly to my Meadowlark Blue Herron 2's, my Tom Evans Vibe and Pulse, and damn good room acoustics.
But when it builds to an uncontrollable SCREAM....well, it just doesn't get ANY better than that! Unless it happens over and over again!
Good listening!
G m c you suck! I want the Vibe preamp too. Sell me yours real cheap OK? Yeah I am working on it also. Wish my wife would move out so that I could get there faster HA!

Happy Listening.
Don't blame you Biz, the Evans is pretty amazing. One does not realize how critical the pre can be until you experience the dead quiet of a good box. Now, if I could only swing a Groove, or better yet, a Groove Plus.

Keep working on it.