That nice, unforced, relaxed, easeful sound ??

I'm working on getting more of this !!
Are you getting it, or are you still trying ?
Don't blame you Biz, the Evans is pretty amazing. One does not realize how critical the pre can be until you experience the dead quiet of a good box. Now, if I could only swing a Groove, or better yet, a Groove Plus.

Keep working on it.
I've got that ease on both the digital and analogue in my system. I can't stand it when I hear a hi-fi sounding system and those little digital bugs start crawling up my spine. Unacceptable ... and definitely avoidable.

Be careful, not all recorded music and I mean well-recorded music is nice, unforced, relaxed and easeful. Violins, brass, drums, pianos, guitars (both electric and acoustic) and certain vocalists can all sound aggressive, shrill, edgy and downright upleasant. A high end system should be able to accurately produce whatever is feed into it.