How low can one hear Huh?? Say again

I read a review and the reviewer wrote "one can not hear sound below 30 htz" (??)
Of course he was referring to music.
I am not audiologist, but I think this is total B.S.
If that were so,we could all be happy with speakers that just go down to 30htz.
I've had speakers rated at 30htz, 26htz and presently own speakers rated at 20htz.
HUGE difference between the 30htz and 20htz speakers and a very noticeable difference between the 26htz and 20htz speakers.
Where is this reviewer coming from???

not sure about his review...but a young healthy person's hearing range is about 20Hz to 20kHz
I built a pair of 8' transmission line subs using
Perrless 850146 drivers and using a BassZone test cd
and they could play 10hz at 85db's.

My Jordan driver transmission line subs don't go as deep but are vastly superior.
My calculus professor says that they used to use 8 cycle sound waves for crowd control. Is this true? Supposedly an 8 Hz tone rattles your insides. I guess you could call it your guts "resonant frequency" haha. Sorry, bad, bad joke. Is this true ? Perhaps that's why those infrasonic waves caused a lot of people to feel bad or whatever. Any insight on this?