Higher end Tubes for Ah Njoe Tjoeb 4000

I have an Ah! 4000 and want to do some tube rolling. Who knows higher quality tubes that they've tried with this cd player? What were your perceptions? Thanks!
I just received the Amperex 7308's from Kevin at Upscale Audio. They are much smoother with better bass than the stock tubes.
I appreciate your input!
I'm not sure about this, but is it possible to try alternative tubes like the 7DJ8 or 6ES8? If so, has anyone tried them, and to what affect? Appreciate the info!
Please don't try them. 6ES8 -- not stable and not interchangeable. 7DJ8 -- different heater voltage. Not interchangeable.
You just need to pay up for the NOS tubes
The Amperex 7308's are very good (esp the PQ versions). The Seimens 7308 is supposedly the ne plus ultra 6922 variant, but its expensive.

Also very good is Mullard
Au contraire, the 6ES8's work fine in the Ah, and they sound
great too. After much tube-rolling, I settled on the 6ES8's
and yes, I wanted to use the much more expensive Siemens
PCC88's or the Tungsrams and others-a very surprising find for
me. YMMV! Have fun.