Ever hear the "Maggie Scream"?

Ok, so I got a bit dramatic in my title. However, the phenomenon is real. It's happening to my Magnepan 1.6's, which are biamped at 200 wpc. So, 400w into each speaker.
When I power down the system, about 20 seconds later, there is a pronounced, but not loud, electronic sound, which starts out high pitch and slowly drops until very low, then dies. Like the speaker itself is powering down.
The sound is from the SPEAKER (I know someone is going to say, 'are you sure it's the speaker, and not some other piece of electronics?') Has anyone else encountered this phenomenon, and what is it? Is this the amps powering down?
I'm assuming I'm not hurting the equipment this way; I've had this sound in the speakers for months.
Dude, It's not your speakers!!!!

To produce a signal requires a voltage and I assure you the Maggies have NONE.

It sounds to me like capacitor discharge from your amp. And no it should not make noise.

I recently had a discussion with an owner of some Piega
ribbon speakers that experienced the same problem that
you're describing. I noticed that you have Outlaw power
amps, and that happens to be the same brand of amps that
he uses! I'd be pretty certain that the sound is that of
your Outlaw power amp's power supply discharging. You
might contact Outlaw to see what they have to say. Some
Adcom GFA amps were also known to behave this way.
Without (expensive) relay protection designed in an amp's
output stage, this seems to be a pretty common occurance.
I have 1.6's and I've never heard such a thing.

My suspicion is that it's the power amp.