Help! Will lubricant affect spkr.cables?

My H.Tech. Pro-9 bi-wire speaker cables are a very tight fit when trying to slide them up inside my B&W speaker stands. If I put some lubricant on the outside cover to help slide them through would it affect the sound of the wires? Any recommendations? I don't want to damage the casing in case of future resale.
BE CAREFUL. Don't want to venture many guesses as to what such a lubricant would do to the parts involved. I would recommend getting some sort of contact enhancement solution and using it. It should slicken things up a bit but is designed for that sort of thing too. Before you use some sort of lubricant if you decide to go that route, I suggest you drop an email to the cable manufacterers and ask them for ideas and/or warnings.
Try french chalk, should be able to get some from a pharmacy. It is inert and will not affect anything.
I will look into the French chalk vs. talc, and check with the manufacturers first. Good suggestions! Thanks. Any more?
Sorry all, I feel like a moron. I posted about this way too late at night and thought you were having a tight connection with the ENDS of the cables (Tight terminaters). Please ignore my comment.