Hum from amp - should I worry?

I recently noticed a hum coming from my Meridian 557 amp. I don't use a PLC, so I wasn't sure if that could contribute to the hum or whether the hum is normal. The 557 is, of course, a solid state amp, so this doesn't seem normal to me. Any advice from current 557 owners? Thanks.
is the amp itself humming or do u hear the hum through your speaks? if the former, the hum is likely from the transformer. this is not normal & will likely not b fixed with a power conditioner.
It is the amp itself for certain - not the speakers. I called Meridian and they said something about the transformer coil causing it, but that it wouldn't effect my performance. The hum has actually died down to almost nothing since I made this post, but then again, I'm still concerned. So far, no effect on performance. We'll see. Thanks for your feedback.
I have a Belles 150 A hot Rod, that has a transformer that hums once in a will. According to David Belles this is caused by to much voltage or to little in the power service to my house. I do not know if this is true, but the amp has been dead quite for weeks.
I have a Meridian 557. IT doesn't hum unless I use XLR interconnects without using the shorter plugs into the RCA inputs. If you put your ear next tothe 557 you will hear a slight hum in the unit. Inaudible from a foot away.