Power cord recommendation needed

I am looking for a power cord for both my amp (Jeff Rowland model 10T) and CDp (Wadia 850). I am told that the King Cobra ver 2 would do well with the CDp and the Electraglide Fatboy SE 24k connector with my amp. Is this consistent with what you may know ???? If not what other recommendations then?
Try PS Audio's Lab cable. It is extremely heavy duty and doesn't impart any sound of its own to the music. What more can you ask for?
check out the Granite audio #555 power cords they are just super!!! they offer a in home demo program you can try them for 30 days -- bought them from quest for sound the authorized dealer for granite ... check out ---- http://audiogo1.iserver.net/cgi-bin/classa5.pl?0&1&adlr&Questforsound&home&
Stick with the FatBoy/FatMan on amps!! This was Stereotimes recommendation as well. The King Cobra on Digital/analogue
For RF supression the King Cobras do the best. The triple sheilding on the PS cables make them great in a tight situation where a lot of cables cross, reducing induced noise in the system. For open, fast sound the Electroglides are unexcelled in my experience.
The Whale Elite and the Fatboy are both my favorite. Both have big bass and tremendous depth. They are both shielded so very quiet, and construction is the best. The detail and dynmaics are tight and accurate. It's a toss up between the two. Except the Whale is the bigger bargain. Also, have Vipers, but find them lean and bright. They work better on tube gear.