Classical Music-High Quality

I want to get in to classical music.I like intrumental,I would like some advice on which cd's have the best sound quality.Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank You
if you go back to the opening page of the "audiophile forums" section of AudiogoN, you'll see a "search headlines" dialog box. you might wanna use that function before you begin a thread. HINT: your query ain't exactly unique. don't be scared off, though. everybody's got something to learn, else there'd be no reason for this site. good hunting. -kelly
Hmmm. It is easier to tell you what in general to nuy or avoid. Years back when I had just a typical Receiver and then Mid-fi setup Deutsche Grammophon (DG) CD's sounded the best. They also sound pretty good in a portable stereo at work. However, as I've gone upstream as far a equipment, DG sound more bloated like they have been run through an echo chamber or something. I've concluded they are mixing them to sound good on mid-fi and lower systems which may be more typical to Europe. I now find the British lables such as Decca/London and EMI sound the best now. They sound slightly thin in lessor systems to me, but now are great in my current better system. Telarc are pretty good also.
PS: When I say Mid-fi, I mean systems where most components are under $500 each, such as lower-end NAD, Rotel, etc; B&W 300 or 600 series speakers, etc. So what I am saying the best sound may depend on your system to some degree.
I also find that recent analog recorded CD's (Those coded "ADD" on the cover) sound more natural than pure digital recordings ("DDD"). I qualified my term Mid-fi because under $500 is considered budget audiophile equipment to some/most audio enthusiasts.