Best amps for MBL101e's?

I took the plunge and bought 101e's and restarting the upgrade bug. These speakers are not very efficient and in a large room. I have the EMM labs combo, and probably am going to buy the 6010d preamp that I am demoing right now (great phono section, has the ability to match levels for 4 different output channels). My bias in the past has been tubes (MC2000, VT100mkII)...any suggestions?


I believe that I am the person in question. Yes, I did pair the Spectron Musician III Signature with the MBL 111B and the results were excellent. That was a short-lived experience as I quickly purchased a pair of 101Es. I ordered a second Spectron with the intent to vertically bi-amp the MBLs, but in the two weeks it took for Spectron to produce the second amp, it became clear that one Spectron was enough to handle all of the dynamic and power requirements that I could throw at the speakers.

Like you, I was almost embarrased to be so satisfied with a modestly priced class D amplifier. My last 2 amps were the $30k Tron (7 watt 300B) and the 130 watt Silicone Arts, a state-of-the-art solid state design if ever there was one. Granted, neither had the power to bring the MBLs to life, but they sure offered the most wonderful pallet of sonics to use as a basis of comparison. Believe me, the Spectron does not take a back seat to either technology and in addition to fantastic treble, bass, dynamics and transparency, it is exceptionally musical and a joy to listen to.

I was lucky enough to be turned on to the new BAT REX tube line stage which is a PERFECT mate to the Spectron and together I have discovered a wonderful synergy with the MBL 101s.
A customer of ours swears that the MA-2 is the best map he's heard on his system. From his reports, we've been able to determine that the MBL 101s are not nearly has hard to drive as they have the reputation for!
I cannot speak for their ability to drive your specific speakers, but I have Ayre MX-Rs on another very difficult load - Sound Lab A-1s. The Sound Labs have never sounded better, in my opinion. Great amps. I too used tube gear for many, many years. I don't miss them.
to all.. thanks for your great posts, as I mentioned earlier, I bought the 9011's and right now am trying to search for best speaker cables. Curriemt11... that is a bold statement that you don't miss tube amps at all. I have previously found both Ayre and Pass to come close to tubes, but not quite having the magic, while losing the bass slam of solid state and the highs of solid state. Maybe the mxr's are better.

If I end up really not being able to live with the 9011s I would loveto try the atmasphere.
To Athmaspere:
Thank you immensely. Its always nice then manufacturer come to us and explain things. My question to you is that one report is adenoidal i.e. the user (whose opinion I should fully trust) may use the amp/speaker combo for small scale music, could have small listening room, could.....
I know that there is a group, almost a club, of Spectron/MBL owners whose group opinion is NOT anecdotal. I myself do not own MBL but I listed it with Spectron and Einstein preamp in front. The sound was "to die for".
Thanks you very, very much again. - just last question if I may, the MSRP of Spectron is $6.5k and your amp is..?