Audio s impact on enviroment

It seems to me bigger amps that draw more current and use more electricity are becoming the norm, like SUV's audio manufacturers are not taking responsibility when it comes to designing energy saving components. I was always told to shut off the light when I leave the room, now I have to remember to shut off the stereo. Although reviewers are always touting the benefits of leaving equipment on all the time,I feel it's time to be a little more concerned about the impact this hobby has on the enviroment.
I don't think the install base of amps that draw that much current is large enough to really make that much of an impact. We just need to make more power plants and keep those tree hugin hippies out of my audio.
Really sad issue here.
I feel sad to see my own conservation conscious Canadian country men still building these power guzzling amps. Switching power supplies can eliminate this problem,and sound better, but you macho a'philes will loooooooz this big chassis.
Wanna save the environment? Stay home and play your stereo instead of driving your gas-guzzling SUV. Besides, when I go out, I don't like being behind some big piece of crap I can't see around.
You should do your part to save the environment by turning off your computer so we don't have to read your treehugger nonsense.
I figure that as I have had no brats of my own to add to the overpopulation of the World... I can waste all I want since NO future generations of YOUR brats will have to compete with mine for anything, since I created none. And THAT is a way BIGGER thing than my using a couple 'o gallons of gas or such.