
Anyone tried the FIM outlet?
I installed two FIM outlets about 3 months ago. Most of my components are power cabled with FIMs, as well. Initially, I thought I had attained too much of a good thing, but with proper break-in these outlets seem to perform quite well. A/Bing is out of the question, since I have no intents of returning to the hospital grade outlets previously in place. Whether the improvement justifies the expenditure I can't genuinely answer. Removing them may expose the gains best.
No_money- I believe they retail around $50 to $60 each duplex. I installed them and did perform an A/B with the heavy-duty (non-hospital grade) outlets. (I had two duplex outlets colocated with individual home runs back to the junction box on the same phase). There was a discernible difference: smoother, more delicate lower treble with improved texture in the mid to upper bass (cleaner with less muddied bloom in this area). (As a side note, I preferred the heavy-duty outlets to the hospital grade outlets during an earlier A/B). Just my .02.
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