Have Hiss-Need Help ASAP

I have background noise or hiss with all my amps and pre-amps.I thought it was a bad audio research tube pre-amp at
first and when I hooked up another pre-amp and amp it still
is there.It goes away when you turn off the power amp.And comes on when you turn on the power amp.I have tried using
different power outlets,speaker wire,etc.I have tried 3 amps,and 3 pre-amps and it makes the background hiss on all
of them.Could it be the RCA cables?I need help with this
please,this is driving me CRAZY!
Hi Steve,
Are the units tube or solid state? If they are tubes, then you need to change them (tubes). Tubes, once they have reached their "life expectancy", tend to throw a slight to medium audible "hiss". The solid state is a little more complex. It could be anything from a faulty capacitor, to dirty power. I would recommend changing your power cord(s) to a "higher grade" like the Harmonic Tech Pro AC11 and get a power conditioner. That combo greatly reduces background noise.
Have you tried putting in a different or cheaper pair of speakers? With multiple amp and preamp changes it can't be them. Also how loud is the hiss and does it change (as it should) with phono and high (CD) outputs? Almost all systems will hiss at the speaker position especially with some volume, but how far away can you casually hear it? If you can hear it at your listening position (say 5 feet away), then you have a problem. Cables are easy, just switch 'em. Also you have not mentioned is this just a straight stereo system or are there HT components (surround processor) involved as well? Btw if you do have an HT setup you also need to think about cable TV lines and their effect on your system. But if you are without HT then by logic you are left with the speakers or the cables.
steve, ewe could also be experiencing ground-loop hum - try a cheater plug between the amp & the wall, & see if the hum goes away...

doug s.