beware ipod

My inital experience with the new 40gb ipod was excellent but the honeymoon is over! The unit has completely died after only several weeks of use. Numerous glitches forced me to constantly "reboot" the unit until it stopped working completely. Battery life never came close to the claimed eight hours, plus you are unable to back-up audio files from the ipod thanks to apple becoming a lackey for the music industry. I really feel like I have been taken to the cleaners on this purchase. I spent the better part of a week loading .wav files onto the unit and to have it completely crash so quickly means that apple obviously has some quality issues. The ipod is based on an off the shelf Toshiba hardrive that retails for a couple of hundred dollars so you are paying apple for the interface and the cute plastic box. I love electronics and have spent a fortune on them over the years but no purchase has been such a huge disappointment. Avoid the temptation to buy what seems like a great unit. Steven Jobs has no clothes.
Clearly Ntcsdan got a defective unit which if he takes the effort should be replaced by Apple under warranty. As far as downloading songs into an iPod, it takes less than an hour to transfer songs from my computer and completely fill my 30Gb model.

Portable HD players are fairly complex pieces of equipment. Effectively they are dedicated small format portable computers. In much the same way that notebook computers are semi-disposable products I really don't foresee individual iPods lasting 10 years. Also like computers you have to backup your music. The standard is if it ain't stored on 3 separate systems in 3 different places, then it ain't backed up.

If you really want to explore all things iPod, here's a link to the Apple iPod discussion group.

I have had the ipod for the last 6 months. It has been superb. Just yesterday, I was on a flight from San Diego to New Jersey via DC, and I heard 55 of my own five star rated tracks continually on my Bose Quiet Comfort headphones (which are equally awesome for what they do - not audiophile!) without the battery failing on either the iPod or the Bose. I will admit that the iPod is close to being completely drained, but I will take that length of usage anyday.

You sure appear to have a lemon; Apple is typically very good about taking care of such things. I have been a Mac fan for years, and (touch wood) have had them always be on the up and up with any issues.

Good luck. As someone else said, the iPod is a fabulous device. Now if could get it to be compatible with my car's system ...!
There are ways to get your ipod to play through your car's system. Consult a car stereo installer in your area. Many car stereos have an auxilary input that isn't being used. Your installer can connect a jack to that into which you can
plug your ipod using your headphone out. There is another solution which
involves a small transmitter that connects to your ipod and allows you to play it through your car's radio. You can also get an attachment which will allow
you to plug the ipod into either a car lighter or or a similar DC input in an
airplane so you can keep your ipod (or laptop computer) charged. Most of the larger jets have these inputs in their first class seats.