New Solution for PC Audio

Bryston is going to release an integrated amp, with onboard DAC. Bryston B100 SST. I am challenging anyone to find a more convenient way ( one box solution ) to achieve high end sound based on pc audio files (compressed and uncompressed formats).
Any digital amplifier or receiver.
Active speakers.
Active speakers with digital inputs.
HTPC's with digital amplifiers.

There are other companies that do have DAC+Integrated, or receiver with onboard DAC (TACT, Panasonic receiver, Sony Dream Systems, etc).

I'm sure Bryston will put out a good product as always, but there are plenty of other folks withs similar ideas, old and new.
What if the DAC is built right into the speakers, with 2 digital inputs and an AtoD?

"Cinesys Hurricanes"

---Active 3-way "bookshelf" with an Aluminum 8" woofer a 2" Morel dome mid and Vifa Ring radiator tweeter. 2 digital inputs 1 analog, room correction for each speaker and RS232/IR volume integrated into the units.

$2495/pr They are supposed to be out by X-mas.

I'll see if I can track down a site, they also had 4 channel digital integrated amps with a digital crossover built in for people who wanted a "rack" mounted amplifier.

Plug your i-pod right into the speakers!
Meridian, Genelec, B&O and others all offer powered speakers with built-in
Just because it's convenient doesn't mean it will sound good. People don't buy one box amplifiers if they seek the ultimate. I send the usb output of an iBook into a TwinDac hard is that?
I've heard Brystons decoders in their SS processor. Was not impressed. Better off to have a good quality USB to S/PDIF converter that eliminates the S/PDIF cabling.