If Rowland made PC cases.....

Actually I dont think I have ever seen a Rowland amp in the flesh, but I am told the casework is gorgeous.

Further to PC audio, can anyone recommend suppliers for cases and components in order to build a media center PC that would look at home in any ultra high end system?

Would you recommend a tower configuration? Or horizontal "home theatre PC" configuration?
I agree with pc noise being a problem in the home audio setup, which is why I like this site:


They have a totally silent machine that cools with no moving parts in a soundproof case, nice! It kinda looks like a tower amp on wheels:

Not sure if you've already chosen a case, but I just saw this review up on Tomshardware

Guys, check out www.hifiatx.com

That's case that's truly at home with the rest of your hifi gear.
Anyone move on a case lately? I'm currently looking around.

I have the waveterminal and an outboard DAC. Worked well with just a regular pc (mac).

I'm thinking about Media Center OS (which comes with a remote), and a desktop-style pc with internal hd.

When I was thinking HTPC, I stared long and hard at the A-Tech cases--http://www.atechfabrication.com--especially the Heatsink 6000. No fans, nice and quiet.

I decided I didn't want to really do video, tho', so instead I bought a little Serener headless PC-- http://www.logicsupply.com/product_info.php/cPath/49/products_id/372. Its fanless, and the spinpoint drives are dead silent. I've got it hooked up to my Waveterminal and it pulls audio files off my terastation. Since there is no monitor/mouse/keyboard, I use a Viewsonic Airpanel--a 10" touchscreen--to run a remote terminal session. Works great--I can sit on my couch and have touchscreen access to all my collection...