Audio Recession

Is anyone seeing signs of an audio recession. Perhaps, dealers with lower inventories, dealer sales coming more often, more equipment up for sale, sellers selling to pay rent?
market saturation?? listeners finally finding nirvana with equiptment assembly? so far behind in bills that the next ultra thing is starting to seem less of a necessity?
The last 3 months have been the slowest that I have seen in 10 years. You have to realize audio for most consumers is purchased with disposable income and that is tighter in this market. Soon it will go gang busters again but this is a great time for the consumer.
I know that I am very heavily overstocked in cables because that is what normally sells the best for me. At one time I was selling 40 - 60 highend powercords a month and now I am down to an average of 8 a month in the last 3 months.
I concur that these are tough times. The high-end, I believe is impacted more severely when the the stock market, more so than the economy, is in a slump. I can sympathise with dealers. As an audiogon buyer and seller, I have been affected both ways. I've had to curtail my buying, even though there are some terrific items out there at ridiculous asking prices, and I have been unable to sell likewise.

The only solace is that I can escape from the bad news by retreating to my listening room for some musical pleasure. Hopefully, things will return to a more favorable climate soon.
here's more depressing news if you care to read it:
