Why do people think I'm nuts involving audio?

Let me start by saying that I don't drink, drug or smoke and that my only vice is audio. I've been a Mac junkie since '80 and to date, I own a Mac system that I've put $40,000 into. To me, it sounds WONDERFUL! I'm very much into music, as opposed to philes that appear to be more into "sound" than music, at least this is what I'm gathering from the stuff I read.My problem is that NOT ONE person I know has a system that's more than maybe $1500, and mostly everyone I know thinks that I'm mentally "defective", although they all love the way my system sounds! They just think that I'm NUTS! I have money, so I'm not being irresponsible to anything, I just LOVE audio. Two weeks ago, I took a 4 day trip to the McIntosh Labs in Bingimton, about 170 miles from my home. A guy from Audio Classics in that area set up a tour of Mac for me and I just loved it, BUT, took major heat from my friends about taking an "audio" vacation. SO, is there anyone out there with similar experiences with friends who can advise me on how to respond to them? Thanks, A SANE AUDIOPHILE!
My wife always ask why I spend so much money on records every week
-- So I ask my wife why she spend so much money on sigarettes...
If I need to get "high", I'll play Marillion or Genesis on my turntable.
Audio is not my hobby anymore -- it's my addiction. It's much easier to jump off "H" than from Audio.
If you'll look at the crackhead you may tell that he's NUTS.
One of my friends, who also works w/me, thinks I am absolutely insane for spending the time and money I do on audio gear and recordings. I have hundreds and hundreds of CDs and LPs and he thinks I am NUTS. Yet he loves my system and always wants to come over and listen and borrow all the new music I've gotten etc. He and his wife dine out in expensive gourmet restaurants every single weekend; that is their only hobby and they do it w/a vengeance. I have dined w/them once or twice, for a birthday or something special, and was appalled at how much they spend on food and wine! Easily they spend $200-300 every weekend on restaurants. And sometimes they go out both Friday and Saturday nights! When I pointed out to him how insane he was, on his own passions, he didn't seem to see the analogy. Other friends ask me "how much did this cost?" and I've learned to just say, Oh, I got a good deal, or I traded for it, or whatever. I would never dream of asking them, How much did that suit cost? or those shoes, your hundredth pair? or that vacation trip to Italy? or the remodeling of your house? Sometimes I find it annoying, but mostly I feel fine because I love what I hear in my home listening to music, and I spend hours engaged in it, reading, doing chores, or just really listening. It's funny how audio is seen as an extravagance, whereas SUVs, restaurant meals, and expensive clothes are not. But I've always marched to the beat of a different drummer--and probably heard those drumbeats w/more detail and resolution and deep bass than the normal people who criticize our hobby.
Sal I feel your pain. Seriously, I have gotten to the point that I just don't talk about it to anyone unless they express an interest. Years ago I was exuberant in my hobby and thought I could turn my music loving friends/acquaintances on to well reproduced audio. Guess what, most just don't care, much to my disappointment. I thought if people knew how good music could sound, more would get involved. But its not so. We are a fringe group as are most that go the extra length to realize the ultimate in any particular hobby.

So what to do? Enjoy the hobby for the pleasure you receive from it. Don't talk about how much it costs to the uninitiated even when asked, it will tell them little other than confirm your subtitle to them. If interested they will express it. If not you will know almost immediately. I would say that 60% of 1st time visitors that come over to my place never even comment on the stereo or even my extensive collection of music. Bottom line is it's my hobby not theirs.

I don't know about others but there is one thing that does irk me. When it is obvious by the dedicated effort one has in a hobby whether it be antiques, cars, photography, woodworking, audio or others that a visitor would not engage in ANY conversation concerning it. I generally find such folks boorish.
sal, in my 40+ years in this hobby, i've found there are two kinds of people in this world: those who think there are two kinds of people in the world and those who don't. -cfb
Sal, You sound perfectly normal to me, dude.
The only recomendation from me is to try not to focus on what others think and a need to "defend yourself". This usually stems from some place in us that needs to be "right". Who cares? Just enjoy yourself and hopefully, along the way, help others to enjoy as well. -AJ