Any one want a laugh????

Check out "Rollingstone" magazine issue 881, November 8, 2001. Then go to page 110 and learn what we are all doing wrong with audio systems, it spells it out in plain English that we are all dumb and can get the same sound for $2000, just we don't know how to shop, lol. If audiophile are not the most anal retentive breed on the world I would be surprised, in particular when price is concerned! Maybe it is a good idea but not much more then an 'idea'. Check it out when you get a chance, sit back laugh and realize if you had only read this article years ago how much more money you would have.
tim did you not know that rolling stone magazine is only good for finding out how much weed it takes to get stoned. they can line up and kiss everybody on audiogons ass. besides 2k for them is all they can hear anyway due to the fact that 120 db for hours ruins hearing.
Kirk, while i agree with both your and Tim's point of view, i have to say that i don't know of too many people with systems that can do, let alone sustain, 120 db's at their listening position. Brief peaks don't count in my book : ) Sean
Consumer report's audio issue is always a good one too. They state that you get no audible advantage with separates versus a receiver. And this wasn't implicitly stated, they flat out said it. I think they acknowledged it measured better (across the board in every way) but you can't hear the difference. And the thing that really blew my mind--they actually rated the Bose lifestyle 3 piece system jobby as Number 1 in their face-off/showdown--above the NHT Superzero/subsat system (got like #3)! They can't be listening to the stuff and whatever measurements they take have to be useless as anything (improperly taken and improperly interpreted). I just don't see (or hear) how a couple of 2.5" drivers equivalent to what you find in your TV can be "high-fidelity" and pass subjective and objective criteria--its...??? And mind you I'm very conservative as far as audiophiles go-I'll pay thousands for a piece of gear, but I don't/won't buy fancy audio cables, tweako potions, vibration controls, etc. I got kimber 4pr running from my hybrid vacuum tube/solid-state amplifier and that's only because it was free with a previous speaker purchase.