Any one want a laugh????

Check out "Rollingstone" magazine issue 881, November 8, 2001. Then go to page 110 and learn what we are all doing wrong with audio systems, it spells it out in plain English that we are all dumb and can get the same sound for $2000, just we don't know how to shop, lol. If audiophile are not the most anal retentive breed on the world I would be surprised, in particular when price is concerned! Maybe it is a good idea but not much more then an 'idea'. Check it out when you get a chance, sit back laugh and realize if you had only read this article years ago how much more money you would have.
Somehow I didn't think kirk390 was refering to stereo systems. He didn't acutally refer to a stereo system. I assumed he was refering to live rock concerts. So I stand by kirk930's statement.
yes travis you are the man. i wondered who would finally get it. these idiots at rolling stone have seen to many live concerts without earplugs. i have been to a few myself but never without earplugs. concert systems are capable of 120 db at 1 watt 1 meter . so what kind of volume are they capable of with 10s of thousands of watts?
"My ears are SO ringing dude! What a great concert, man! Pass the weed, I gotta deadline about how stupid audiophiles are."