Can anyone recommend a shipper?

I got a little over zealous and bought a pr of Mirage M1 on ebay. They are in Buffalo and I need to find a way to pack and ship them to me in RI. Where can I get boxes that big? What a pain but, it is my own fault and I will not back out of the deal. Got any suggestions?

I've had the best results with heavy items using Bax Global.
See for an estimate. Using their BaxSaver shipping, you can get a pair of heavy speakers across the country and delivered in 3 days. They've never damaged anything I've sent.
I got onto their web site and did an online qoute. I was all excited because the rate was decent. When I called to arrange delivery I was told they do not pick up and deliver from residences since 911. Bummer :(
Oh well, thanks anyway.
I recently used WATKINS MOTOR LINES, INC. 1-800-274-9099 as recommeded by Thiel and was very pleased. Their loading dock was filled with skiffs of computer monitors and other electronics, seems as though they had found a niche'.