And What Did You Get Your Wife For Christmas?

There is a scene in the old TV series "Home Improvement" where Jill asks Tim to build a home office for her in the attic. Tim replies with an evil grin "Don't tease me unless you really mean it. Arh, arh, arh."

Such was the case when my wife asked for a TV for Christmas. She just wanted something to watch when I'm watching a football game or a shoot 'em up in the den and our son is playing video games in the living room.

Of course we couldn't JUST get a TV. She needed a satellite receiver to get her favorite channels, a dvd player to watch chick flicks and view the Kodak picture disks. And of course a VCR to watch our old videos. It had to be simple and easy to use. Decent TV picture around 27", but no home theater. (Fresh memories of our son's system in the living room.) The stand needed to blend in well with our Cherry wood bedroom furniture. And it had to come in at $500 or less. (Aw c'mon honey, I have interconnects that cost more than that. Oops...)

Before I tell you what I did, you tell me. What would you have done? :o)

And a Merry Christmas to all!

Slipknot, I was just bustin' your chops. God only knows the women in our lives put up with an awful lot. I'd have a very hard time being married to me too. Ironically, I vaguely remember my wife saying "go on honey, buy that big old expensive pair of mono blocks that you've been drooling over. I know you work 12 hours a day so go ahead and buy yourself something nice for a change", but then I woke up in a cold sweat before making my way out the door to my favorite audiophile shop. I was going to buy her a real nice pair of speaker cables for Christmas, but she wanted an ice maker instead. Go figure!
Ucmgr, maybe you should get the ice maker -- a very special unit you can use to cyro your cables (and make ice, of course) ;-)

I'm still sorting out what to get. A nice slide for the necklace, some earings and some new music sounds like a plan!

Kinsekd, shouldn't it be "What did you get your partner for Christmas"? There are some awesome women out there who are every bit as crazy as we are. I suspect their husbands have to put up with a lot too. Plus, not everyone is married. If you don't mind, I'd like to invite everyone to participate in this very timely thread.
I took out a loan without my wife knowing(As an early New Year's resolution, I decided to tell her after the holidays) and ordered the new Meadowlark Osprey.I also bought a used integrated amp for the bedroom system,a used Shunyata Python for the main system, and some Stealth PGS ic's for the main system.To try to cushion the blow I bought my wife for Christmas a new Alvarez classical guitar with fancy hard case, a pair of 1 carat champagne diamond studs,and a LCD color T.V.( also a new Hoover vacuum cleaner,but we can't call that a gift because of Chauvinistic insinuations).I'll probably buy a big block of cheese to put on the mantle for Santa so on Christmas morning I can declare. " AHHHH, the power of cheese..." I feel I'm in for a great Christmas holiday. Anyone need a roommate after New Year's Day ? Merry Christmas to all...
Hey - I got her the TV. A widescreen 22" Panasonic LCD TV with component video for the bedroom system. She loves to watch movies before bed, and since we're not a TV household, it's time together we don't always get.

The bedroom now features tubes (little ASL Wave 8s) AND flat TV, and nice homemade rack + speaker stands. Mixes old, new and homebuilt, and the morning light shines through the rack (partially in front of a window) very nicely. It's quite pretty actually. She loves the aesthetic value AND the mini-HT.
You are all going to hate me. The wife, kids and i are going to the CES in Vegas, just like we did last year. I have been going since it started and have loved it each year. Last year was first time i could take kids and they too loved it. Daughter loves tubes, has a tube amp and B & W speakers...son...he likes HT. See you in Vegas!