Three days until Christmas

It's only three days until Christmas and I'd like to wish Audiogon and all it's members a very happy holiday season. I would personally like to thank all the people I've talked with and dealt with throughout the year. You have all been great! I would also like to wish a happy holiday season to all service personell and their families, all around the world. Have a safe and very happy holiday season. Peace to all.
Tireguy, you hit it on the head! It's been a great year. I learned a lot, met some new friends and had a lot of fun. I hope everyone can say the same when they sign off.
To everyone, including those with which I have disagreed, Merry Christmas, and I hope 2003 is even better than this year!!!
To part II: A Pass Labs X 350. I'm saving for the X 250 so I thought if Santa might want to upgrade!?! What difference would it make to him. I hear elves work cheap.
Again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Thanks Btstrg. Your thread expresses my sentiments well also, so Cheers and Happy Holidays to all of Audiogon. Craig
Happy Holidays to all. Thanks to those who have contributed to my system in innumerable ways since I got back into higher-end audio earlier this year and bringing me up to date from the early-80's!!!
It's been a great year & I too wish the A-gon family all the best!

As to the second part, less than an hour ago I was given an unexpected HT demo at my dealer. If the same Monitor Audio/Bryston/projector & screen(?) were left under the tree, I would use it. BTW, the Isobaric sub was amazing!
Happy holidays to everybody in the Audiogon family, this is a great place to be, and here's to a great 2003!
Gunbei, I'd sure like to get my hands on the Conoisseur Definitions 4.0 Phono and Linestage combo!