Power Conditioners vs. Power Cables

I couldn't find anyone discussing this topic... if I'm mistaken please advise.

Does one negate the need for the other? In short, I want to know if my recent acquisition of a Monster HTS-5100, which noticeably improved the sound of my system, precludes the need for me to consider upgrading my power cables, as well, in hopes that it could further enhance the sound.
I’ve heard that there was no point to it with a power conditioner... that it was all I needed. Does anyone feel differently? I'm not sure what the general consensus tends to be on this issue.
I was of the belief that the power conditioner served to clean up the power from the city, but that the power cable would improve the transfer of the now 'clean' electricity from the conditioner to the components. Am I wrong and wasting my money investing in upgraded PC's? Or, is there, definitely more room for improvement to be had?

Thanks in advance!!
First of all there have been several posts on this subject and each system is different. I have been corresponding with some Agon members on the usual higher priced power cords and we have each tried some of them in our own systems. The conclusions vary. What you need to do is narrow down your choices by what equipment is being used, for example if you have tube equipment and the person using the Elrod has SS but another has BMI on their tube units you have to try to get through all of this and narrow down your choices. Then contact the dealers selling here on Agon and ask for an in home audition. Do not buy the used cord based upon a review or someone elses ears. I know, I tried it and it did not work. Let your own ears tell you if it is worth the difference in your own system. It takes time to learn and hear for your self but it can be very much worht the effort.

Also, since there are so many credit card offers for 0% interest for 12 months, you can tranfer your expense to one of these and pay off the Elrod over 12 months but enjoy the hell out of your purchase today.

Happy Listening.
Buy a "Silent Cable" 10 gauge from Frank for 60 bucks and a shielded Belden kit from Ernie (Subaruguru) for about 30 bucks. Both advertize on A-Gon. For less than 100 bucks you can find out for yourself. Try them on different components and get ready to order more. You will be a believer.
In my system I received much improvement each time I added one of the following:
Dedicated 20-amp line.
Using cryogenically treated hospital grade outlets.
Using a power conditioner.
Using upgraded power cords.
Different brands work well, and you need to experiment to see what sounds best to you, with your equipment.
Lak has given you the correct sequence to inprovements, though you might just want to start with step 2, being cheaper than step 1, unless you can do it yourself...
You can have dedicated 20 amp circuits and cryo'd outlets and even outstanding AC conditioning, and I would still say that the power cords one uses can have SERIOUS sonic impacts on the sound quality of your system. I say this because a friend of mine has all of the above and AC cords still impact his system immensely. He can completely change the sound of his system by switching out the AC cord of his Mark Levinson transport.

I do not have dedicated lines or Cryo'd outlets (someday soon....), but I do have decent AC conditioning for my front end and my preamp. And power cords can also totally transform the sound I hear from my system as well.