Power Conditioners vs. Power Cables

I couldn't find anyone discussing this topic... if I'm mistaken please advise.

Does one negate the need for the other? In short, I want to know if my recent acquisition of a Monster HTS-5100, which noticeably improved the sound of my system, precludes the need for me to consider upgrading my power cables, as well, in hopes that it could further enhance the sound.
I’ve heard that there was no point to it with a power conditioner... that it was all I needed. Does anyone feel differently? I'm not sure what the general consensus tends to be on this issue.
I was of the belief that the power conditioner served to clean up the power from the city, but that the power cable would improve the transfer of the now 'clean' electricity from the conditioner to the components. Am I wrong and wasting my money investing in upgraded PC's? Or, is there, definitely more room for improvement to be had?

Thanks in advance!!
Hey Z, thanks for getting back to that question I raised. That last 6 feet is a mysterious 6 feet. I am, certainly, not questioning the difference it appears to make, especially with stock power cords. Just the fact that everything you mentioned, as legitimate as it is, can be done, it seems to me, for a couple of hundred dollars. Not $1200, or $600. I have no experience with those big boys and they might, just, make a difference, but like I said, I can't go there. I, still, think that the electric that comes right out of our outlets, traveling that long dirty, evil electric highway needs to be filtered, tweaked, purified, whatever, which I don't think any power cord, regardless of price, can do. BTW, just to get off the topic for a minute: it's snowing here VERY big time. We're talking blizzard conditions, in Point Lookout. Got the whole day to ramble on in between shoveling. Hope some of you will be home today. peace, warren
I'm looking forward today to testing the premise that a foot of snow will act as a resonance damper on the power lines and increase the inky blackness between notes.

But to the topic: It seems to make the most sense to build up in price. Dedicated lines and good outlets are cheap and effective. A PLC is next and cords are last. This also preserves sanity, as there is no doubt that once you have a PLC, the impact of PC's is reduced, compared to running them straight to the wall. I have found it easy to send back most PC's as not-worth-the price mostly because my PLC accomplishes so much. Mind you, I have never tried the kilo-buck cords. But I've tried plenty in the <$450 range, and if I bought 5 of those I'd be up to the price of a Hydra and half crazy from evaluating 5 cords and all the various combinations.

I will plug Ernie's Belden kit, which was an improvement over stock on my Linn CDP, even through my PLC (a Tice), and so cheap ya gotta love it.
Warren and Whknopp, I am with both of you when it comes to not having tried - or wanting to - any $K PC's. But I'm the same way with all my wires - that's just not the level I can play this game on, especially with as many components to plug in as I have. But on my gear which can accept aftermarket cords, all of which is plugged into an API PowerWedge Ultra PLC (which passively filters the line, transformer-isolates sources, and provides balanced AC for sources, as well as offering a degree of protection), I can hear some kind of improvement using upgraded cords, so the PLC is not rendering this factor passe. Even my new-to-me Levinson 380S preamp, which many dealers told me used such a great built-in line filtration system of its own that it doesn't need a PC upgrade (something many owners apparently don't pursue with ML pre's, due to their need for right-angle plugs to fit underneath the unit), has shown subtle but worthwhile benefits from switching out the stock cord (I have had to raise the unit up in order to fit normally-terminated cords under it for testing, pending getting something fitted with the correct plug). Is it worth the money in the end? I'll tell you when I finally get all my components fitted with upgraded cords, but I'm assuming the effects are additive.
Zaikesman, just one more side-bar. How's the new preamp? And in comparison to the old pre-amp?

Hi Stehno - Better, as you'd expect for the money. I'm not done evaluating it yet, as my system is still only partially up'n'running at the moment - and this more than I really wanted to have to invest (though I suspect it's justified at the preamp if it's justified anywhere) - but it meets my functionality needs and seems like it stands a good chance of sticking around for a while. When I'm prepared, mentally and system-wise, I might think once again about whether I feel like bothering with getting an equally-premium tube pre in here to compare against.