Power Conditioners vs. Power Cables

I couldn't find anyone discussing this topic... if I'm mistaken please advise.

Does one negate the need for the other? In short, I want to know if my recent acquisition of a Monster HTS-5100, which noticeably improved the sound of my system, precludes the need for me to consider upgrading my power cables, as well, in hopes that it could further enhance the sound.
I’ve heard that there was no point to it with a power conditioner... that it was all I needed. Does anyone feel differently? I'm not sure what the general consensus tends to be on this issue.
I was of the belief that the power conditioner served to clean up the power from the city, but that the power cable would improve the transfer of the now 'clean' electricity from the conditioner to the components. Am I wrong and wasting my money investing in upgraded PC's? Or, is there, definitely more room for improvement to be had?

Thanks in advance!!
Hi Stehno - Better, as you'd expect for the money. I'm not done evaluating it yet, as my system is still only partially up'n'running at the moment - and this more than I really wanted to have to invest (though I suspect it's justified at the preamp if it's justified anywhere) - but it meets my functionality needs and seems like it stands a good chance of sticking around for a while. When I'm prepared, mentally and system-wise, I might think once again about whether I feel like bothering with getting an equally-premium tube pre in here to compare against.
I personally have found a big improvement by using a Monster HT2000. I found no differance from aftermarket PC's. I believe this to be very individual on your system and the power being provided to your home. You may wish to try NOT plugging your power amp into the power conditioner. Only one way to tell for sure what will work for you.

Good luck, Paul