System for a teenager

I need advice to build a system for one of my sons school mates and his father. I have been advised to keep budget as low as possible but strive for quality sound.

My idea is buy used gear here at Audiogon starting with 2 series Vandersteen's, DVD-CD player with volume control and moderate power tube amps.

Would especially appreciate ideas for the DVD-CD with volume control and ideas for moderate power tube amps.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xalbertporter
Albert, please let us know how it turns out. BTW, in as much as like the Vandersteen 2's, they can be fussy with regards to room and placement.
Well, I guess I lost my mind. I saw an ad for Vandersteen 3's that were in my market (Dallas, TX.) advertised here at Audiogon for $875.00.

More than I intended to spend, but no shipping, insurance or chance for them to be damaged. Plus, I got to listen to them before I handed over the cash.

They sound wonderful, and the (previous) owner was using a small integrated transistor amp to power them. They were bi-wired and came with Sound Anchor stands and some cones and spikes. Bob and Dave are excited even though they have not seen the speakers yet.

I could not find any of the AR Complete that Sugarbrie mentioned, nor the other solid state brands mentioned. I looked here first, then EBAY and AudioShopper. Any other ideas or know of the "right" integrated for this system that happens to be for sale?

By the way, the DVD/CD is off my budget. The father bought one on sale somewhere, leaving me about $625.00 for power.

Pick up the Magnum IA170 integrated (that has been listed here forever). It's $549 (used) and includes a MM phono stage, plus a mono switch.

This model compared well with the Plinius 8150 when I auditioned both a bit more than two years ago. A little known "sleeper" amp from a UK manufacturer.

If I were into SS this is the amp that I would be using (no glory, just good sound).