How to respond to those who say it's not a hobby?

I only recently started to get into audio and, although my system is definitely not in the high-end category, I like to think it's a lot better than the components that were replaced My better-half was quite accepting of the initial purchase of a new integrated amp (NAD C370), tuner (C420), speakers (KEF Q5) and interconnects (VDH D-102 III). She definitely heard an improvement over our previous gear.

However, she is now quite opposed to the upgrading of the CD player and the addition of a second amp (bi-amping). I've mentioned that it will likely make a great improvement to our listening enjoyment and hinted that this is a new hobby for me. Essentially, her response was that "spending hundreds of dollars on audio equipment does not qualify as a hobby", since I don't actually create/build/assemble any of it.

Any thoughts out there about how one might respond or convince the nay-sayer otherwise?