New batch of Albert Porter's cryo treated Hubbells

I have been talking to Albert Porter about geting another batch of the cryo treated Hubbells. He would need 50 of the outlets to do the run. Therefore, we'll need commitments from people who want cyroed outlets, so we total a minimum of the 50 he needs. The outlets should be around the same price as before ($35-$36). The money would have to be paid in advance, as before, and a cut off date set. I currently have four outlets and would like at least four more for myself. I do know Albert has had other interest in the, but I don't know how many. So let's hear from anybody interested in the outlets and how many you're interested in. These are an excellent investment. It was a significant upgrade to my system. Thanks.
I received Znak_m's email for four outlets. When payment arrives we will be confirmed for 38 cryo treated units. Interested parties should respond soon.

I have not cashed any of the checks or money orders. If this fails to meet minimum order needed, I will return 100% all payments via first class mail at my expense.
I received payment from three additional members today bringing the total to 42 Hubbell outlets. Anyone wishing to participate should act before we reach the 50 required pieces.

I will NOT be able to add to this order once it is closed out. This is special order from Hubbell, requiring a week minimum to fill.
Hey Albert!
I sent a check this am. for 4 outlets. It's probably overkill, but hey, my system may just grow.