Heads up for earwax.

I just had my ears cleaned of earwax. It makes a difference in my listening experience. I would advise that one ought to make important purchase decisions with clean ears.
You can get a product for this at the drugstore. Its oily but it works better than peroxide. You can put it in and plug your ear with tissue for a little while, then flush with warm water. Works very well. No Q-tip needed.
The oily product is sometimes called "sweet oil" and actually is olive oil. It does work very well, and is marketed in these earwax removal kits.
I cant belive you posted this post now! I was just about to post the same thing. I was also wondering why none of the audiophile mags bring up this topic? Seems to me that if your ears dont work, your just thowing money down the drain! It also seems like the cheapest "tweak" you can do to improve sound!!!

Again...weird that you just posted this, and before today I've never seen a post about earwax!!!