Damned if I Do and Damed if I Don't

Let me start off by saying that I have a truly wonderful wife! That being said, she couldn't deal with my choice of the Sistrum 6 rack I purchased and which I thought was absoultly terrific. We live in New England and have a cape, which is furnished with many antiques and paintings of the 19th century. She takes great pride in her house but she couldn't deal with the modern look of this rack sitting amongst the antiques.

Now I need suggestions on which racks would have wood, could hold my turntable, 3 tube components, and 3 other components, be aesthetically somewhat compatable with the decor as well as have contribute positively to my sound needs?
Tp: As Unsound stated, i wasn't trying to stifle input to these forums from professionals so much as trying to encourage "full disclosure". After all, knowing where someone is coming from can be just as helpful as the information provided. Since professionals are exposed to many similar products, their comments have the ability to carry more weight / offer wider levels of insight than comments coming from someone less experienced. As such professional recommendations ARE encouraged, but so is honesty and being up-front. Otherwise, you run into situations where shills are drumming up sales for products that they are affiliated with. This happened with Plinius over at AA.

To take that a step further, some professionals even go so far as to recommend products that they don't carry. Even though they may not sell them, they know that these products do have their place and may work for the situation being discussed. As Unsound mentioned, Duke at AudioKinesis is a prime example of how "professionals" can be a GREAT asset to these forums while being completely straight-up about their affiliations. As such, please don't take my comments as being "condemning" or trying to push you or other professionals away. They weren't meant that way at all. Sean
Sean,I appreciate you clarifying your statements.The majority of my recommendations have been on equipment that I don't sell {except Omega Mikro-but it does have a return policy}.As such,I will no longer make post on products I sell,unless there is a question concerning availability ,problems or pricing.That should keep my motivations completely above board.
Tp- That is probably the best way to go. Stick around, but remember, some positions in life restrict your freedom in certain circumstances. Our Governor in CT is finding this out the hard way. Some of his "friends" let him use their condos at the beach (read Hawaii and Florida) at no charge. When this was disclosed, he had to re-imbusre them. Then they donated labor or products to help renovate a cottage he bought. Co-incidentally, they also did business with the state. Now the legislature is considering impeachment and the US Attorney is considering indictment. Long way around to say that sometimes you have ot go overboard to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. This is especially true on the anonymous net. Stick around, comment when appropriate, and just make sure everyone knows your affiliation.