Madrigal is Closed

Madrigal Audio Labs closed its doors today.
Closed. Period.

Over 100 employees were let go.

Mark Levinson will be handled from the Lexicon facilities in MA.
Gorf, do you have any more information? How did you find this out? What operations did Madrigal perform that may not be performed now?

I went to and it forwards you to

It appears that Levinson and Revel are still operating but you must wonder what affect this has.
I fail to see anything dire in this and think many of you are misreading things and over-reacting.

With the discontinuation of Proceed, there was no reason for Madrigal to exist as an umbrella brand for Levinson alone. Think of Harman Specialty as the new name for Madrigal, which now includes Levinson plus Revel and Lexicon.

Or maybe I'm a pollyanna.
Inna, on what do you base your statement "There are
better companies"? Have you owned Madrigal equipment?

I have owned a number of pieces of Mark Levinson gear,
and I have always found the construction quality beyond
reproach. You can criticize them for their sound, but
to me and many others they are among the best in "high
end". I've had occasion to deal with their service
department, and they were always prompt, polite, helpful
and completely professional. Other firms could do well
to emulate Madrigal.