I need a new Web Browser....now

Sorry folks, this thread is unrelated to many of the threads around, but I am really upset at my current browser and I would like some suggested alternatives. Reasons and opinions are strongly encouraged. I have been with AOL for over six years and the spam, crashes and total inability to open upwards of half the downloads sent to me are highly frustrating. There is a very up-to-date PC in my office and I could always go there to get whatever AOL could not handle. Tonight, I tried to log onto EXPEDIA to buy some airline tickets and my browser is not supported. Travelocity had the same error message. I really don't know what is going on, I just want it to stop. I am working from a Macintosh Computer running 8.6 and I have another Apple in my upstairs in my personal office that has version 9.04. AOL fully (seems?) to support the new I-mac but only throws crumbs to us older users. The only reason that I have resisted changing is because most of my best friends use AOL and I like the Instant Message feature. But, considering the rest of the frustrations, I can do without!

Who do you use? Why? Who did you use and why did you change and was this change for the better? I hear Yahoo! is back on the rise and several people I know simply use hotmail.

I am going to change. Please, any suggestions are highly appreciated! Needless to say, this is not some fishing expedition intended to count posts from other A'gon members.
AOL has never supported Mac at the same level as other ISPs. When I cancelled my membership after ten years they couldn't believe it, but I smiled as I hung up the phone. I've been with Earthlink for over a year. And although they're not perfect...who is...they are worlds better than AOL ever was. No crashes. Fast access with DSL. Very little advertising. They don't share your personal info to the extent other providers such as SBC/Yahoo do. It's important to read the privacy statement of all the providers you are considering! They are not all the same. Earthlink DSL costs more than SBC/Yahoo, but their privacy policy is more...private. However, even though I use Earthlink as my ISP, I have a home page created on Yahoo which is world's better than the Earthlink homepage. Good luck!
My current favorite BROWSER is Mozilla, downloadable for free here. I find it is quicker than other browsers and I like the feature of tabs at the top of the window which allow me to keep several windows 'live' at a time without clogging up the taskbar.

As for CONNECTION/ISP service, I have never been an AOL user so cannot offer a comparison between AOL and 'regular' ISP/browser access.
Apple's new browser, Safari, is terrific. May require OS X, I'm not sure. Noticeably faster than IE.
Safari does require OSX. I'd suggest finding a new (real) provider other than AOL. Any of the aforementioned ones would be fine. Cable or DSL is preferred for speed reasons. Once you have a real ISP (e.g. not AOL), you can use whatever browser you like. For the Mac, running OS8.x or 9.x, IE 5.2 is one of the best browsers. Mozilla and Netscape 6 are somewhat slower, at least in some operations, and not quite as mature. I havent' tried Safari yet. Netscape 4.7, although older, is still faster in some ways than Mozilla, NS6, or IE 5.x. I keep it around for that reason. (super fast when using Audioasylum.com for example). IF you can, upgrade to Mac OS 9.2 - it's the latest Mac OS 9 operating system, and very stable and fast. I run it on my 2 macs (yet to make the switch to OSX). 8.6 is a bit older and while decent, not as fast as OS9.2.
