Does your system reflect your personality?

Over the years I have read that married couples begin to resemble oneanother. I have also seen things that indicate that people resemble their pets.

Is it possible that the stereo systems 'we' put together resemble us? For example, are people with a more laidback system more laidback? Do people who prefer solidstate gear and a more aggressive sound act more aggressive?

These are obviously generalizations, but is there any substance to these questions? How do you resemble your gear?

GREAT POST! I've never thought of this but you're right in my case. I'm nostalgic and interested in the thrill of the hunt. Not surprisingly I have vintage tube gear I had to track down for months.

I always leave things half finished and so although I have my dream setup as far as the units go, my cables and wires are absolute budget. Usually by the time I get around to them I've spent all my money (another characteristic) and/or I'm feeling the need for that thrill again because I get bored easily and I'm out hunting amps or preamps or the big stuff again; and again leaving the cables for later. I've never owned good cables because of these 'issues!'

I also need to be stimulated or jump started is more like it, with just about everything. So my system is geared for LOUD rocking abstract jazz (COLTRANE) that sounds live at high volume...the only way for me to listen w/o getting bored.

Again, great post. (I'll be in the closet bawling my eyes out if anyone needs me.)
Mine definitely represents my take on what music really sounds like. I think it has a "form follows function" emphasis that probably matches my personality to some degree.
My system is diverse, detailed, a little too hungry for attention, and not as refined or capable as it should be.

If you knew me, you'd draw your own conclusions about this system's owner...
