Hyperbole Watchdog Forum

An interesting idea just occured to me.

I would like to start a thread to keep a running account of AudiogoN'ers who engage in excessive use of hyperbole.

A couple of ground rules are in order:

1) The Cable Forum is completely off limits as it is inherently riddled with the stuff. In fact, one might argue that the high-end cable market wouldn't exist without such outlandish claims as "my jaw dropped to the floor" when referring to an interconnect.

2) No need to name names or offer any editorial comment. If it's hyperbole, just quoting the offender should speak for itself.

So how 'bout it? A little levity to keep things loose could go a long way in a hobby where we can sometimes take ourselves a little too seriously.

I'll start: An Audiogon'er referring to placing isolation feet under his audio rack.

"The system was for the first time tonally balanced, the bass response increased, the sound stage widened, the noise floor dropped, there was greater depth, increased clarity, and most importantly the brightness and harshness had completely disappeared!"
If you search through my archived posts, you'll probably find alot to laugh about. I've done it. I think most of us do at some point or other. When you get excited about a product or new purchase, you just say stuff like that.

You have to read between the lines.
It's not just audio. Marketing in the US has gone mad. It's almost impossible to have a cup of coffee that isn't "gourmet", and my local supermarket sells bread that is apparently "artisan". And if you ever come to silicon valley you'll discover that every other worker is either a VP or a director (not me .. I actually do stuff).
We've gone marketing / hyperbole nuts in our society.
I agree. It will lift a haze layer from these forums presenting a clearer window into our thoughts.
There seem to be two sets of problems here. One is, shall we say, the overenthusiastic review, a la, "This blew me away!" The other is the bogus technical explanation for a phenomenon the poster really doesn't understand. Clueless found a priceless example.

I have noticed, however, that there seems to be a correlation. Nobody's ever "blown away" by the difference a new set of speakers makes. But power cords...