Do you have a dedicated listening room?

Is your system in a room by itself or do you have to make compromises with other things in the room?

How have you compromised with things you have to keep in the same room? Right now I use a basement room for my listening room. 75% of the room is just for the system, but behind and to the right of my listening chair is a weight bench and some other work-out gear. I don't think it affects the sound very much, but...
I almost had a dedicated room built 5 years ago. The uncertain job market stopped me. I guess I'm stuck forever with a truly awful living room with flexing floors and plenty of slap echo. I'd take a basement with a weight bench any day. The listening room continues to be one of those unattainable components for me.
Yes, built it about twenty years ago. Not the ideal room, but it will have to do until something better comes along... with apologies to the great lyricist who penned those words.
No dedicated room and how it sounds as good as it does amazes me. The few times I've moved everything out of the way for a totally unobstructed listening session haven't yielded day & night results, so for now I can live with it.

It was a prerequisite when buying my last home..
Here is the link... everything from the flooring to the
insulation in the ceiling as well as the wiring was done with audio in mind..
Well, the fact that I own an audio company helps justifying
the cost!
here is the link for the room and system
It is definately a worthwhile investment if you do alot of listening!
Happy listening!
Custom Audio LLC
I have a dedicated listening room which i dont use yet.

Nrchy, you know what happened.

I recently decided to buy the house im renting, we dont spend much time in the basement, and it is of a moderate size. So where the bitchin HT i sold was set is where my "Dedicated Audio room" will be.
It will be a mix of 2 ch and HT. gotta use the projector, i dont want anything between my 2ch speakers.

im thinking of building it up to resemble your typical low ceiling smokey jazz bar.

that will rock.