New Headphone User

Due to family considerations, I recently bought a new pair of Sennheiser HD600 (with stock cord) for a great price here on AudiogoN. As my preamp already has a build in headphone amplifier, I did not have to purchase one. What a fantastic purchase! For $259 I have outstanding sound with no room interactions and I can listen however loudly I wish without disturbing everyone else. Also as a bonus, the sweet spot is a 10' radius.
I am posting this because I am actually shocked at the fidelity one can obtain in a pair of headphones that, relative to my system cost, is inexpensive. How many of you have headphones and what are your impressions compared to listening through your speakers?


Headroom has a couple of replacement options for the Senn. cables, as well as high quality extensions (my "sweet spot" is +/- 25 feet). Their web site is

Best regards, Dave.
The 600's were my headphone reference for quite a while. The Cardas cable is a nice upgrade. You may also want to experiment with dedicated headphone amps later- especially tubed units.

I've since moved on to the Stax Classic System, which I'm thoroughly enjoying. With a 5 year old daughter in the house, headphones are an essential part of my audiophile experience!

Have Fun!!
Look into for a great headphone-only forum.
You would really appreciate an external headphone amp like the Headroom. I do 70% listening at work with my Headroom MOHR and Ety Er-4S, sounds great with the HD-600 too. It is much more cost effective to do an accurate headphone system than getting the same result from a loudspeaker simply because the acoustics of a room. Happy listening.
I agree: get yourself an aftermarket cable (I recommend the Equinox by Stefan AudioArt) and a headphone amp (I recommend the Ray Samuals Audio XP-7, but there's lots of great choices out there -- depends on yopur budget and taste). The Stax set up is very nice too, but pricey. I really enjoy my headphone set up. It's more intimate with the music and you can hear all the details. The HD600s are my current fav.
Another note about the STAX-

I agree with Budrew about their expense when new....BUT I bought a complete STAX Classic system on the "Gon recently for under $700.00 ($1,500 retail). This was less than my HD-600's, 15 ft Cardas Cable, and Musical Fidelity V2 X-Cans Headphone amp, and outperforms that combo by a fair margin (for my listening tastes).

Other fine amps for driving the HD-600's that I've used include the Sugden Headmaster (It drove the HD-600's better than my Headroom Max) and the Gilmore unit.

Enjoy your journey through headphone mania!