any drummers in the house

here is the thing, i'm interested in learning how to play the drums, but would like to know where to start.can anybody recommend what books or videos to buy, what brands of drums would be better for me,should i get a snare and go from there etc.
thanks in advance
I used to be a hot-sh*t I'm a hobbyist who thinks he's better than he really is :)

Having studied drums and percussion in public schools and privately, I'd have to say there's no substitute for one on one instruction. I'd search out an instructor. Check local colleges with music schools. Often there are students who teach on the side to make some money. If that's not an option, go to a local music store (instruments/drums), and ask if there are any private instructors they can turn you on to. While you're there, they can probably suggest some how-to videos, but this will be a distinct step down from a real teacher.

These days, electronic drums offer a very good alternative to acoustic drums because they are more compact, quieter (use headphones) and feel very close to the real thing. Check out e-drums by Roland or Pintech. I use both in my home kit. You can often find used sets on E-Bay, but do your homework first. My acoustic set of vintage Ludwig Vistalites haven't been played in nearly two decades, but the e-drums fit into my limited space and I can connect a CD player through the "brain" unit and play along with whatever I wish (love to play "Physical Graffiti" from beginning to end!).

Have fun.
I have been a drummer since 10. Played in every kind of band from country to jazz to metal to alternative and yes pop. Taught myself . I now teach on the side and see how fast the students accelerate with proper guidence so I would suggest a teacher . One caveat however ; get one that does not teach old school but rather a teacher that is still active and possibly connected to whatever genre you would like to emulate. I was a Peart fan and spent 7 years day in and day out learning his material chop for chop. This was my school . Also , metal and rock drummers typically hold their sticks straight from wrist to fingertip while many jazz drummers lay the left stick across the palm. See what feels natural to you. Good luck and stick with it . Drumming is difficult to master.
There are many internet sites and video tapes to get yuo started. I agree with finding a good instructor also, but only if you are going to stcik with it.

Beat those skins man!