CES and thank you, Albert Porter

Shortly before CES I received a call from Albert Porter who, in the course of the conversation, mentioned he was off to CES and that he planned to share with us some pictures.

Those pictures are available now here on the home page of Audiogon and they are very appreciated.
What would be excellent is for someone at Audiogon who needs photography for a large company to use me for Annual Report or advertising.

Southwest Airlines and GAP have both cut budgets, as well as many other of my good clients. The economy is not great in Dallas, at least for the advertising industry.

Thanks for the kind words about my CES images. The ones at HE 2003 were better in some ways. I had more time to spend due to scheduling differences with Audiogon.

You can thank Arnie and Steve for my participation. I hope to be able to cover additional shows in greater depth. I can do a better job with more time set aside.

Sincere thanks for the compliments guys!
Hey Albert- Nice coverage of the show! Pretty thorough too...the next best thing to being there. If pictures could only play music!

Sorry to hear the ad biz is down in Dallas too. The Pacific NW has been in a slump as well for a long time now and has only displayed flickers of coming back to life. I sure hope something changes soon! All my photographer friends up here, as well as myself, are mostly all in the same boat.....you know, the one with the hole in the bottom and we're all bailing!! Things gotta change...the ebb and flow of the universe and all that.

I really enjoyed the pictures of the show. Very well done.
From those of us who cannot attend, "Thank you!"
Does anyone remember seeing the poster sized photos of the Benz cartridges in the Musical Surroundings room at CES? They have roughly 24 inch by 32 inch posters of Benz cartridges with incredible clarity and detail. The photo resolution is unlike anything I've ever seen before. Everytime I see them I have to stand back and look at them for a few minutes. His work is impeccable.

I'll be in touch Albert for a new series of photos. Oh yeah, thanks for your excellent coverage of this years' show.

Brian Weitzel
Record Research Labs