Burn-in time for a Shuguang 845B tube?

About how many hours does it take to burn-in a Shuguang 845B tube? Can I expect a big change in sound as time goes by? Right now I have logged about 30 hours on a pair of 845s and the sound is still rough in the edges but I like more thant the regulars 845 (not B o C). The tubes are installed on a Bel canto SETi40. Thanks in advance for your comments.
In my experience, new 845 tubes take around 50-75hrs to open up. In the early burn in stage, you will find the dynamics restricted. Unlike some other power tubes, 845 tubes should not be left on unattended, therefore, the break in stage will generally take longer. Patience will be rewarded.
Thanks Brf! I guess I still have to be take easy. Thanks for the advice about no letting the amp unattended.
Hello Brf
I was wondering about your advice about the 845 tubes should not be left unattended...does this also apply to the 211 power tube? Normally, I don't leave my amps unattended by leaving my home but sometimes I am in another room. Does this apply about being in another room? Are these tubes generally more volatile? I have two in each mono amp. Thanks!!!!!