Why Sellers Forget To Update Ads, Sold/ Pending

I don't get it!!!!!! It must be me.

How many times have you inquired on an item only to get the reply that it's sold. This happens all to often.
I'm not talking about the "just posted item" but the 2-3 week or longer listing.
If the ad was marked accordingly,we wouldn't waste our time inquireing on it.
When I post an item for sale.I make sure to update the ad to sold if paid or pending if conformation of sale is made.

I guess I shouldn't expect too much from others. But HEY, They expect it from me.

Sorry but I had to vent.

This is a great site,No, actually the BEST Audio site on the web, bar none.
Thanks for listening, Rick.
I think we have all experienced the same frustrations and I am at a loss for an explanation. For the most part, this site is a wonderful forum for those of us who love this avocation and the overwhelming number of positive experiences outnumber the negative but it is surprising when feedback or responses are not forthcoming. I can only assume that some users do not share my enthusiasm for this forum and therefore take it for granted that once the transaction takes place, their responsibility to acknowledge the transaction has ended. This is unfortunate because such a forum is invaluable to true devotees and participation may suffer because of such lapses in common courtesy. Just my two cents.
Thanks to all who responded to this.
Thought that this thread might be interesting.

"I don't think it tells the buyer you don't trust him. It simply just allows the seller to have continued, possible interest until the money is in the bank".
I think this is a valid point.

Go to mypage and click on active ads.
Then you can use the options to change it.
Hope this helps.

Hello Audiogoners, I mark my ads as sale pending once I have been notified by the buyer that the payment is "in the mail". I just completed a sale where the buyer sent the payment by regular mail and it never showed up. He did send it overnight about 10 days after the first mailing. I appreciate seeing ads marked as sale pending or sold so that I can decide if I want to contact the seller to put me on a contact "list" if the item falls through. Other wise I can move on to the next ad for the same or similar item. Some sales do not work out. I have noticed some ads now say to consider the item available until marked sold. I take that to mean the seller will be dilligent in letting us know when it is sold. If I sell an item I will sometimes type in the word SOLD in the title without marking the ad as SOLD through Audiogon's edit method. That way the buyer can receive the item, compare it's condition to the ad to be sure it is in their mind as decribed, before the ad deletes itself. Sometimes the AGS system leaves alot open for interpretation. After the item has been received and feedback is posted, I then cancel the ad so members won't waste time reviewing an item that is no longer available. It has worked well for me. I am always a little bothered when I commit to buy an item, reach an agreement and suddenly the ad disappears. It makes it hard to review the terms and conditions and also to keep track of the seller's member name. Usually I will print a copy of the ad for my reference. Just my thoughts. Audiogon is the best site I have found to trade on. Safe trading!!!