best sounding integrated for under 2500.00

just getting back into audio. want this to be my last purchase. like smooth warm sounding equipment as i listen to alot of metal and rock from the 80s. this can sound harsh on alot of equipment. been researching for months and im getting more confused by the minute. i thought creek destiny or krell 300 might do the trick. any other suggestions. powering psb stratus golds.
Also. I listen tons lot of the same music you do I imagine. Huge NWOBHM fan (Holocaust, Blitzkrieg, Diamond Head, Limelight, etc). Up the Irons!
No, Rowland would never work with this kind of music, forget it. They are very rare, and I want one!
Rowland of course. There is nothing better for the price, hard rock or whatever.
I am actually in the exact same position as the OP (PSB Goldi) - would the collective community here consider MF A308 or A5 to be decent candidates?

If not, why?
While it is true that all dealers say they like what they sell, in this case I think your dealer is not leading you astray. I just acquired the Cambridge Audio 840e/840w combination, and if they are any indication, the 840a V.2 should be a great value for the money. It pains me to say that, a little, because the units are made in China, but it is true. The controls and inputs are unusually flexible (I believe the front end on the 840e and 840a are virtually the same), and the sound is great. My impression is that CA's whole Azur product line is a winner. I think you could do much worse than to hop back down to your dealer and purchase, without fear of buyer's remorse.