best sounding integrated for under 2500.00

just getting back into audio. want this to be my last purchase. like smooth warm sounding equipment as i listen to alot of metal and rock from the 80s. this can sound harsh on alot of equipment. been researching for months and im getting more confused by the minute. i thought creek destiny or krell 300 might do the trick. any other suggestions. powering psb stratus golds.
I don't think there are any actual "dogs" I think there will be better sonic choices for the OP's speakers. If the choice will be solid state I'd stick to something that errors on the musical side rather than the more neutral, PSB's are a nice speaker but with the aluminum dome tweeter I'd be careful with my amp choice. The Plinius 9200 would work well and if the OP isn't going to really crank things up the Rega Elicit is a really musical amp too.
Going back to the original question...and budget.

The PSB Stratus Gold speakers need some juice to sound their best. They are a nominal 4 ohm load with dips below 3 ohms - while many of the integrateds here are, in fact, fine machines, they are not optimally suited to drive such a load. From what I've read from current and past Gold owners, the more clean power, the better.

On my radar are Musical Fidelity (A308 and A5), Krell, Plinius...any others that deserve consideration?

I'd prefer to avoid class D amps; the ones I've heard have not exhibited the warmth I prefer although I am not close-minded on the subject.
A used Portal Panache (100w/8 200w/4) would be a worthy choice - though you can get it new for $1795. Unverified rumor is that Nelson Pass designed the circuit. The Ayre would be wonderful IF it had more power for the PSBs, but I think it would be a bit shy.
More I think about it a used Plinius 9200 would be a great choice.. Lot's of power, very musical, non-fatiguing can easily drive a 4 ohm load, good phono section, built like a tank. I had one for almost 7 years and it was built proof never an issue and it took me a long time to find something that really was better.. and it was tubes, which wouldn't drive those PSB's you have.
atoll 200.creek destiny. musical fidelity a5. plinius 9200 has come up alot. which would be better sounding and reliable for psb stratus golds.