best sounding integrated for under 2500.00

just getting back into audio. want this to be my last purchase. like smooth warm sounding equipment as i listen to alot of metal and rock from the 80s. this can sound harsh on alot of equipment. been researching for months and im getting more confused by the minute. i thought creek destiny or krell 300 might do the trick. any other suggestions. powering psb stratus golds.
Creek is nice I had one, it blew up.. took MONTHS to get fixed because it's made in China and Creek UK (forget Music Hall) had to wait to get the parts needed from China to fix it.. That's only one data point but I sold it shortly after and replaced it with a Rega Elicit. The Rega won't really drive your PSB's, it's only 80 wpc. Atoll is very nice but no resale value, if that's ok then consider it. The Plinius, and again I had one for almost 7 years and never a hiccup, has got all the power you'll need (200 wpc) and is sonically outstanding, tons of great reviwes and has been a TAS editors choice in it's price range numerous times. Plinius has after almost eight years come out with a replacement for the 9200 (Hautonga) so there are a few good buys on used 9200's, fyi the 9200 really haven't changed much but the later versions did add a balanced input. Seems that 9200's get snapped up pretty quick on the 'Gon so if that's the direction you want to go you'll need to keep your eyes open. Oh and Musical Fidelity, I haven't owned one but they have always gotten good press and are certainly a worthy product.
I just re-read this question, and since it does not ask in regard to what speakers, just best sounding integrated under $2500, I'm voting for the Cary SLI-80 again. Great sounding integrated with 80/w, and great to look at, great re-sale.

I'm voting again, you know, like a Chicago election.
He speicfically mentions PSB Stratus Gold, which will make the Cary SLI-80 not sound like the "great" integrated that it is.
No. I have heard tube amps with speakers not appropriate for
tubes and then the same amp with speakers that are and the
amps always sounded best (and the speakers as well) when
properly matched to the speaker. As wonderful as the Cary
may be, it remains a tube amp, and the PSB a speaker that
performs best with high current amps, SS for the most part,
though I am pretty sure a CAT JL2 would drive the PSBs very
well indeed (a high powered, Class A, 200lbs tube amp with
three massive transformers each weigh as much as the whole
SLI - yes a tube amp like that would be undaunted by most
speaker loads - the SLI is not that type of tube amp).

As for the importance of matching amps to speakers,try
listening to B&W 802D with the Cary, then
lets say a pair of Merlin VSMS with the Cary - your
impressions will be quite different, the CARY will sound
like a much better amp with the Merlins. Then try the B&W
with a McIntosh 200 watt SS amp, your view of the B&W is
considerably better than you first thought - even if you
thought it sounding quite good with the Cary - till you hear
with the SS Mac - almost a different speaker, for the
better, driven with the MAC. The Merlin will sound great
with both, but it will clearly show the superiority of tubes
with speakers that are meant to be driven by tubes.