Why so few record cleaners for sale?

It seems like a lot of people are getting out of the record game so I thought I would take a look for a record cleaner. There are some of the cheap ones for sale, but I thought there would be more. Do the people that have them use them, or are they collecting dust in the basement or garage???

Do people have CD cleaners too? I've never seen one, so I'm curious. Is there are market for a product like that?
I have a Nitty Gritty powered CD cleaner that works great,but I don't know if they are made anymore.
A good record cleaner is important to have if you value your records and phono cartridge stylus. I had a VPI 16.5 for several years and found it very worthwhile. Early last year I replaced it with a Loricraft, as my collection and system have become much more 'serious' in recent years, and it does a much better job. Either way, I urge you to get something, to enable you to listen happily to your records for many more years to come. Personally I would recommend a VPI or SOTA (very similar to the VPI 16.5), or if budget allows, a Loricraft.

I am amazed at the prices the VPI 16.5 goes for used. I have seen them sell here in no time for $400.00
I can get them new for that from AudioClassics in Vestal.
Why buy it used at that price?
And you end up with the shipping issue.
Brian, I had the VPI 16.5 for several years. I replaced it with a Sota which I thought did a much better job. I recently sold the Sota and want to buy a VPI HW 17, but they are all but impossible to find used.

I have a hard time justifying full retail for a record cleaner where the seller did nothing to get the sale. Several companies offer the 17 for $1100, but I did all the homework and studying involved in the decision making process. All the seller did was have the item. I even have to pick from several sellers. They do absolutely nothing and make full markup??? NO thanks!

There in lies my frustration. I did not think it would be so hard to find a used VPI HW 17. I was too slow on one for sale, and outbid on an auction on ebay.

I'm just waiting for something to come along, but it looks like lots of others are too!